
In class we are learning about ecosystems. Mine is the desert. I am also learning about the coral snake. The rattle snake, roadrunner, scorpion and gila monster all live in the desert.

What is your favorite snake?

What is your favorite ecosystem?



5 thoughts on “Desert

  1. Dear Logan,
    I love how you have customized your blog already. I can see you love the San Francisco 49s from your header. You can write more about yourself on the “About Me” page that I have created for you. Read Molly’s to see what kind of things to write. Her blog is a wonderful to look for quality posts. She will be a great mentor for you.
    Thanks for modeling for your class how we use our blog to share out learning. Jackson in our class is also studying the desert. You should share your information some time. I look forward to learning about the Coral Snake from you. Keep up the great writing.
    From, Mrs. Amri

  2. Dear Logan,
    I’m so excited that you have a blog! I look forward to following you & your adventures.

    I am not a big fan of snakes. I like all of the different ecosystems. I think they each have unique & special qualities.

    Molly’s Mom

  3. Dear Logan,
    I like your blog. My ecosystem is the ocean. I’m a blob-fish. I like snakes. My favorite snake is the rattlesnake. I see you like the 49ers. I’m a Seahawks fan.

  4. Dear Logan,
    I like your blog, it is awesome! Go 49ers. When I was in second grade my ecosystem was the rainforest and the animal I researched was the Madagascar giant day gecko. Your first post is great. Keep up the amzing blogging. Visit my blog at

    From, Neil

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